Saturday, May 7, 2011

People Change, And 90% Of The Time It Is Not For The Best

Elections are coming up... In my school that is, and I am inwardly freaking out over this. I have to write a speech for election day. Dear God. I am terrible with speeches, i have no way of knowing what the people are thinking I am better making a speech after a response like someone says oh I am voting for Ryder because hes works in the community. Well then i can explain how that is a silly point as the other candidate is not only in the community but also in the school. Honestly I have no idea how to go about writing this speech. It wouldn't be such a big deal except now Ollie is running against me. Well god damn. I have wanted this position since grade nine, and i was so excited to be running unopposed and then apparently Sam my best friend.... mentioned her before. Tells him to run for Treasurer because it takes less time then Pres and really I'm only doing it for my application. Generally I am not a violent person, but after hearing this i really really just wanted to smack her. I didn't though. But either way now I am going around and talking to people and telling them to vote for me and I really don't have any reason why I want the job except it's just always been what i wanted. So what do I write?

Hey Churchill. My name is Arie and I want to be your Treasurer. When I was in grade nine during the election campaign everyone asked if they would run for their grade 12 year. Most people said no, Some said they wanted to be Pres or Vice, but no one really thought of the other positions, they just didn't seem that important. But when I asked I thought of the Student Counsel of that year and decided I wanted to be the Treasurer. I wanted to have more say in what our school does without being in the spotlight and by becoming treasurer .....

And then what? The treasurer in our school does nothing!!!!! Sorry we will occasionally sign a check. God damn.

Well I do realize I have 0 followers however, if you happen to be wandering cyber space and happen to stumble across my page feel free to comment with suggestions.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Rant #3

Grade 11, 30 days left and then onto my last year. I don't know if this classify's as a rant, but just give me a paragraph or two I'm sure I will get there. Ever heard of IB? International Baccaloriate? No? Good. It is evil. But i love it. I just finished writing my Math World, I am pleased with myself, not because i think i did well, no more that i haven't started crying yet. Honestly I am holding it together rather well, though after the second half tomorrow, I am not really sure how i will fair. I am dropping into partial though, i think this exam really pushed me over the edge where it was like "oh maybe I will keep it up" to "fuck no". I mean right now, I don't even think i passed, which is bad for most people, but in my normal books the not passing freak out is at a 70 or maybe a 68 for Math.

So that all sucks, to add more to my world of suck, i found a new boy I like, and I for certain like him, no way I can deny it, really when I am taking alternate routes to my locker it is terribly apparent. All good right? No. Said boy is in my Best Friend Trio with another girl lets call her... Sam. So anyway Sam and I are best friends with said boy and lets just say she does not like the idea of anything ever happening between me and the other boy. And in some ways i understand what she is saying, yes it could mean bad things for our trio friendship and all that but... here is my argument. I will probably not ever actually date this boy, because a) he likes another girl and b) I would be scared shitless because of the whole friendship factor. These things i am perfectly fine with. All i want is to have the freedom to like the boy without being glared at or the passive remarks about the extra time I am spending with him! In all honestly weather or not I liked him that would happen because she is off with her Boyfriend who she is absublutly head of heals for which i am perfectly fine with but since i broke up with the douche i really don't have anyone to be with myself. So whats the harm? Hes concerned with this other girl and as long as i deny my like to the end of the world... where is the harm? He is a really nice guy, complete opposite of the guy i just dated and makes me feel safe, whats wrong with liking someone like that? I am too busy for a legit relationship why not keep my mind occupied with him instead of falling for someone i don't really know again? I don't understand this notion of relationships and like and love and all that, I am still figuring it out and i really don't know what to do with the drama.

There is a very intercohort rant, but its pretty much my thoughts on to web.

Yours In Rage,

Monday, May 2, 2011

Products and Corporations

Rant #2

Don't you hate it when people sell you a product and then it turns out to be awful. For example, buying a brand spanking new camera for a Europe trip, taking it on said trip and then finding out when you blow up the pictures they are awful. FOOK! 300 pictures completely ruined because I am not smart enough to check a bloody camera because i figured hey high end camera here it should take alright photos!!!! My old camera was better. So now i have all these crappy photos which i some how have to send in for the year book, which needed to be done 40 minutes ago but as my internet isn't working, looks like I am shit outa luck there. These things should be checked anyway, companies should not be selling crap products to the consumers in society today! I mean really they have just taken away the awesomeness of remembering by selling me a terrible camera! I mean yes i still have the stuff i got there but these pictures were meant to last, so i could show my potential childies and small relatives and friends and family! I really am terrible at being descriptive and pictures are so much simpler. I move to boycott corporations until they start selling decent products, I am not just talking cameras, but you know that garage shirt you own? the one that cost $20 and was falling apart after a week of wear, yea that two! If we are going to spend shit loads of money on something we want good quality, otherwise we would go to flipping walmart!

Yours In Rage

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Complications of Living

So yea if you go back and read this is technically my blog for posting banners so I can get them on my fan fictions... To bad I don't have time to write them and my lap top crashed so I lost any progress I did have. So instead i shall use this as a way for me to explain my rather dull life. Well dull to me, probably to you, though i assume if you are still reading you are interested so here is my rant of the day.

Rant #1

Have you ever started dating someone and you thought wow they are so amazing this could be one of the best relationships I have ever had? Well i had this experiance about 2 months ago and for the first two weeks it was all good and happy and cute and it was your perfect puppy love relationship. Then very slowly said perfect boy started to get ruder and ruder to every one of my freinds and myself. Now this i could deal with except for the fact that he wouldn't tell me what was wrong! Rawr! So finally after beating him with a metaphorical stick i found out that he doesn't like me hugging other guys. More Rawr's. So my response to this is, sorry we are in Grade 11 these guys are my best freinds, they are like brothers to me, I'm not going to stop hugging them you should know I am dating you becuase i like you in a completely different way, and i reminded him that i would be over the moon if he came over and hung around me instead of being skiddly in a corner all by himself. So after much discusion he is like okay thats all good. Except its not. Hurrah Hurrah i just went to europe on a fine arts trip, sad part, he was part of it.I told him that relationship would be void over there becuase i did not want drama, BUT he apparently 'forgot' this and continued to be the douchest prick ever becuase i hung out with my best freind tys more then him!!!! Rawr. I mean here in Canada he had started being pretty rude to some people and i just dealt with it as well as i could, but suddenly it was 100x worse and i had no idea what to do. So finally i sat him down and was like, we are in europe this is the only time we are talking about this cuase im going to have some god damn fun over here. And just of it was, i broke up with him and told him i would talk to him when we got back home. Well he got the talk when we get back home part, but completely forgot about the whole "We are over" part of the conversation!!!!!! The rest of the trip he followed me aruond not in the cute oh hes trying to spend time with me kinda way, but more like a follow in back listen to Ipod stalkerish type of following. Guys. A note for you. THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. If you want to have any control over how a girl acts around her male freinds then for gods sake talk to her, there needs to be more then a physical relationship for that to happen, other wise as far as im concerned that girl has every single right to act "flirty" with other guys becuase apparently these days flirty is telling them about your life issues becuase a)there your best friend and b) the dumb boy your dating is the cuase of the problems but wont aknolage them.

However i am out of battery, so ignore the grammer and spelling untill I have time to get on and edit it.

Yours In Rage,