Saturday, May 7, 2011

People Change, And 90% Of The Time It Is Not For The Best

Elections are coming up... In my school that is, and I am inwardly freaking out over this. I have to write a speech for election day. Dear God. I am terrible with speeches, i have no way of knowing what the people are thinking I am better making a speech after a response like someone says oh I am voting for Ryder because hes works in the community. Well then i can explain how that is a silly point as the other candidate is not only in the community but also in the school. Honestly I have no idea how to go about writing this speech. It wouldn't be such a big deal except now Ollie is running against me. Well god damn. I have wanted this position since grade nine, and i was so excited to be running unopposed and then apparently Sam my best friend.... mentioned her before. Tells him to run for Treasurer because it takes less time then Pres and really I'm only doing it for my application. Generally I am not a violent person, but after hearing this i really really just wanted to smack her. I didn't though. But either way now I am going around and talking to people and telling them to vote for me and I really don't have any reason why I want the job except it's just always been what i wanted. So what do I write?

Hey Churchill. My name is Arie and I want to be your Treasurer. When I was in grade nine during the election campaign everyone asked if they would run for their grade 12 year. Most people said no, Some said they wanted to be Pres or Vice, but no one really thought of the other positions, they just didn't seem that important. But when I asked I thought of the Student Counsel of that year and decided I wanted to be the Treasurer. I wanted to have more say in what our school does without being in the spotlight and by becoming treasurer .....

And then what? The treasurer in our school does nothing!!!!! Sorry we will occasionally sign a check. God damn.

Well I do realize I have 0 followers however, if you happen to be wandering cyber space and happen to stumble across my page feel free to comment with suggestions.

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